Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Traditional Medicines for Skin Diseases

Various skin diseases such as tinea versicolor, ringworm, ringworm is not foreign to the people of Indonesia.
Beberpa traditional medicines that are often used for treatment of skin diseases that go round:

Scabies, itch
For external treatment, just take the leaves, bark, stems, or roots regards as necessary. Rinse and finely milled until menjad dough like mush. Smeared into place that itch, and then bandaged.
ulcers, wounds, and warts
  • Spread with fruit juice monkey guava or cashew nuts ( Anarcadium occidentale L ) for several days until the wound dries
  • For warts, petiklah 5 pieces LEAF DEWA , pounded leaves until smooth. Leaf smear that has been refined in the space warty, make up to tape, leave one day and drop to the next day

Variety of skin disease
For patients with skin diseases, itching, and sores, which must be blended concoction is Biduri leaves and coconut oil to taste. The leaves were spread with coconut oil, then dilayukan upon ignition. After that, the leaves attached to the skin of the wound or itching. Before treatment, the wound washed with warm water or alcohol 70%.

Ulcers, eczema, and skin diseases
Strand crown lotus flower is burned, will produce ash which also efficacious as a medicine. This ash can be used as an external medicine to cure boils, eczema, and skin diseases. While the powders and lotus stamen when mixed with honey and cheese will be a cure hemorrhoids.

Scabies in Children
Children who are exposed to scabies recommended brotowali bath with boiling water. How to make water decoction: take stem brotowali 1m, the chopped or cut kecil2, boiled with 4 liters of water to boil, put the cooking water into emberdan dinngin add water, bathe the child while soaking his body.

  •  Grate the ginger rhizome, and the squeeze
  •  Mix with the grated radish
  •  Apply the mixture to the skin of eczema

Galangal to: Panu, ringworm, scabies, sores, ulcers
Treatment: Treatment outside, where topical pain
Method: - Mash finely with garlic galangal rhizome (1:4 ratio, 1 garlic rhizome 4) to a pulp
  •  Apply / paste in place of the sick
  •  For ringworm who have chronic, add this ingredient with vinegar
  •  To Panu: provide fresh ginger, minced to arise fiber, rub on the affected part

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Efficacy of Betel Leaves

Betel leaves are very popular because of properties that can cure various illnesses, from nose bleeds (bleeding from the nose) until the diarrhea and sore teeth

Take one sheet of betel leaf, while in the press to roll out its oil and use it to clog the nose that issued darh

Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf, 6 grains of pepper, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
Mash all ingredients together until smooth, then rub on the abdomen. Repeat until cured

Treatment: In the mouthwash
1. betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to boil and then cool in the cooking water.
Use the cooking water to rinse. Repeated regularly until healed.
2. Take 2 pieces of betel leaf that has been crushed, salt to taste.

Way, tersebuh material brewed with hot water as much as 1 cup, then stir until the salt dissolves, let it cool. Water is used for rinsing.

Treatment: outside, in dab on the itching part
Ingredients: 6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 slice of ginger yellow, 1.5 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil.

How, all of the material is ground together until smooth, then rubbed on the body that itch.

Take the 7 pieces of betel leaf and 1 slice of rock candy.

Way, betel leaves finely chopped, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Cooking water taken 3 times a day, each 3 tablespoons.

Take 7-10 betel leaves.

Way, betel leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water to boiling. While still warm, boiled water betel leaf is used to wash and clean up around the genitals repeatedly.

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Savor Carambola Wuluh

Carambola wuluh (avverhoa bilimbi) is a native American plant that thrives in the blood that gets a lot of direct sunlight, but enough air humidity.

Carambola wuluh with chemical content in it (calcium oxalate, sulfur, formic acid etc ...) beberpa efficacious for the treatment of diseases, such as:

1. Bleeding gums
Regular consumption of fresh star fruit wuluh or it could have made sweets

2. Pimple
For external treatment. 3 Wash the fresh starfruit wuluh, the scar and give a little salt. Stick it had grated on the skin with acne. Perform 2 times daily

3. High Blood
Prepare 3 pieces star wuluh
Seeds sriganding 25 grams, wash and then mash until smooth
Cook 4 cups water, add star fruit and seed wuluh sriganding.
Cool, then strain mixture
Drink one glass a day

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Savor Basil Leaves

Basil leaves are very popular in Indonesia, particularly in rural west Java as a complement to eat vegetables. It turned out other than as a flavor booster in the diet (eg pepes).

Benefits for Men:

Basil contains active substances sineol and arginine, can overcome premature permatur properties, dilate capillaries, strengthen the resilience of the sperm and prevent infertility in men. The content of apigenin fenkhona and eugenol in basil can also facilitate an erection.

Benefits for women:

For women, basil is very useful. All parts of this plant are rich in anetol and boron compounds that can stimulate the hormone estrogen. Eugenol compounds that had also able to kill the fungi that cause vaginal discharge. Also stigmaasterol substances in basil to stimulate egg maturation. Tannin and zinc reduce the secretion of vaginal fluids. There is another substance that could delay menopause tryptophan.