Herbs are available in the form of fresh and dry. The plant is used in diverse, ranging from roots, rhizomes, stems, leaves, flowers, until the fruit. For starch content and efficacious compounds in plants can be utilized, this medicinal plant parts should be processed first.
There are several medicinal plants processing techniques, ie by boiling, brewing, and make it as a powder. In the book Herbal Efficacious and Scientific Evidence, mentioned when the boil herbal ingredients, the use of container is important to note. Containers of iron and aluminum are not recommended because of toxins released materials can pollute the herb is being created.
Tools to boil suggested is that anti-rust, clay, and glass. The second processing mode is by way of brewing, the herb is mixed with hot water without cooking process. This is typically used for home consumption of herbaceous flowers, for example rosella and fresh leaves.
Meanwhile, for reasons of practicality, the herb can be processed into powder form. The powder can be made from pure single plant or mixtures of several types of herbs.
According to naturopathy experts, basically the use of herbs can be tailored to individual taste. May be engulfed in the raw, juiced, boiled, or made soup. To reduce the bitter taste, can add honey or brown sugar.
Boiling is the use of herbal ways the easiest. According to expert, when aiming to maintain a healthy, simple cooking liquid may be consumed with no record of a history of certain diseases.
Simple herbal combination no longer enough if there are kelemhan in the body, either due to genetic factors or indeed a particular disease. In order to provide optimal benefit, the herb is consumed should be already in extract form and is measured dose.
Choose the wrong way can cause the plant herbal preparations are not working properly and properties are not felt. Therefore, you should carefully study the efficacy and side effects of some herbs. If necessary, consult the experts.
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